

After I backed from Malaysia, I have many things to do that make me busy. I have to catch up with classes that I missed, lucky that my friend recorded and gave me lectures, thank you so much! Anyway, there are still a lot of ALSA activities too. My father blames me a lot that I do too many activities, I did negotiate with him but it become a victorious defeat T^T. Anyway; on March, there will be a study trip, which the students from Waseda university of Japan, will participate in this activity. We have to prepare ourselves for this big activity. Therefore, my senior arranged the camp for us to prepare ourselves on February 1-3 at Nakornrachchasrima province. This camp was arranged for the students who would like to be the part of ALSA AU, it was a kind of training camp. As a delegate of ALSIC, it makes me to be a member of ALSA AU automatically.

I believe that many of my friends in Eng II class [I, Dollaporn, Chingtong, Chompoonut, Tinnapat, Phanphatchara] wrote about it in their blogs already, because we went there together!

On the first day, we left the university at 9.30 and arrive there at noon. The weather at Nakornrachchasrima was great, not too hot and not too cold, the air was fresh! I love it, the accommodation was nice as well, and we stayed together in the big room but separated boys and girls. We started the activities with ice-breaking activity that was so funny, then we were explained about ALSA structure to let’s us know more about ALSA. Then they asked us to create an academic project that we had to work in team of six people. I was in the same team with Tinnapat and Phanphatchara again!!! I could not escape from them! And also three other friends, one of them I have never seen him before, but he is a nice guy. We could do it very well, we had quite the same idea and we are flexible, so our team worked smoothly. The project that we created is “School of law and ALSA AU Open house 2008” which is the project for PR our university, faculty and ALSA to the high school students who want to study law. Then in the evening, we had to present our project to the seniors and our teacher to let them commented. For my team, we have not edited a lot; just changed some plans and activities in the project.

For the second day, it was a real training. The senior let us us edited and talked together again about project, and then they imitated that we going to do this project to as real! They pretend to be departments that we have to contact when we wants to do the project, there are ALSA advisor, AUSO, sponsors, university staffs, etc. we had to pretend that it was the real situation. It made us so busy, stress, tired, and sick with account that we created, too much expense and a lot of number to calculate +.+!!! Anyway, our project went well and while we were working there was a big rainbow appeared af ter rained, it was so beautiful. Then in the evening, we had to elect the new committee of ALSA AU, at first I was asked to be the secretary but I refused, but I was chosen to be an assistant of academic department, which was great. Because I think I more suits with academic activity than documentary works. Then, there was an evaluated activity to evaluate the project and spent time to talk together, open minded!

For the third day before backed to Bangkok, we had to do the year plan for the next semester that sounds great, many interesting activities; such as academic sightseeing, public speaking, moot court competition, table discussion, ALSA meeting, etc. Moreover, the project from my team was chosen to do as real, but maybe we have to change to Moot court Camp that sounds more interesting! Then we backed to Bangkok.

This camp gave many things for me that I learned a lot from my seniors, that made me love ALSA a lot and proud to be one part of them. And I will try my best as an assistant of academic department. Next semester will be another hard working semester! FIGHT!!!

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