

Today is Saturday, in the morning I have a German class at Goethe institute. When I finished class, I had an appointment with my friend, Phanphatchara. We went to siamsquare together to take a student photo that looks so funny, my face is round and looks strange, I will take a new one again later. Then we had lunch at MK restaurant and went to Paragon shopping mall because Phanphatchara wanted to buy new shoes (again). There are many nice shoes but the prices are not nice like them. I suggested her to go shopping somewhere else not Paragon where everything is so expensive. So, I asked her to go shopping at Platinum mall before Christmas with me and Dollaporn to buy some new clothes and shoes which is very much cheaper than in Paragon.

Then in the evening, I had an appointment with my brother and sister to watch a movie, “Golden Compass”. It is a fantasy film, which based on the trilogy of Philip Pullman, which I haven’t read them yet. The story is about an orphanage girl named is Lyra Belacqua, her world is a world very much like ours, in a parallel universe. In her world, a person’s soul lives on the outside of their body, in the form of a daemon or a talking animal spirit that accompanies them through life. Lyra was brought up among scholars. One day she heard Lord Asriel, her uncle talked about an elementary particles called “Dust” were flowing from a parallel universe, in far north. They believed that “dust” had something related with children and their daemon, so they sent Lord Asriel to the north to explore it. Shortly after Lord Asriel goes north, Lyra’s friends; Billy Costa and Roger disappeared, and she believed that the folkloric “Gobblers” had taken them away to the North. Lyra has vowed to rescue Roger, and found her chance when a visiting woman of great importance, Mrs.Marisa Coulter, offered to take Lyra to the north as her assistant. Before she left, the Master of the College had given her an “alethiometer” or a golden compass, which can tell all the truth to the person who knows how to use it. After a while staying with Mrs.Coulter she found that in fact Mrs.Coulter was head of the General Oblation Board, the real “Goblers” who had been kidnapping children. So, Lyra escaped from her and saved with the Gyptians and find the way to help the kidnapped children. Along the way, she met
Iorek Byrnison, an armoured bear who promised to help her until she reach the victory and another important charactor is Lee Scoresby, an aeronaut.

In the movie it just only the first episode of the three books. Nothing is clear. So it makes me really want to know what will happen next. I cannot wait for the next film, so I decided to buy all three books, but I realize that the Mid-Term exam is coming, so I must keep them away with other books that I have not read yet, they are many. I also found that today Thai’s version Harry Potter was released today too, but I will not buy it until I finished all exams, because I will finished it before reading textbooks for sure!

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