

7 Jan 08

Today, my faculty had an activity “Public Speaking” at the C building. This activity organized for law student who would like to know how to speak efficiency in the public. The lecturer for this topic is the famous lawyer in Thailand; he is also my senior’s father, Mr.Pramarn Luengwattanawanich.

This activity was divided into two parts; morning section and afternoon section. For the morning section, the lecturer talked about how to speak efficiency in the public and techniques of pleading a case in court. He suggested many method to speak efficiency; such as gesture, eye contact, how to stand, how to use your voice, how to speak, what you should speak or should not, even how to dress! I think it is useful for us, especially for the law student who will be the lawyer in the future. I think one problem of Thai children is “public speaking”, Thai children do not know how to speak efficiency and they are discouraged to express their opinion. Therefore, I think Thai children should practice to speak! If we can speak efficiency, we have a plus. I am the one who try to speak in public, because next week is my test! ALSA Conference is coming and I have to present what I am doing research about wildlife trafficking. I will do my best.

For the afternoon section, there was a practice of public speaking; it was also a competition. We had been asked to pick a topic before we spoke only five minutes. They said that it is a practice of crisis thinking! There were many topics; such as mercy killing, blogger’s rights, inequality wealth etc. more than twenty topics! I had to speak about the rights of the apprentice, which I had no knowledge about it! And it was the same topic with my friend who was speaking then! , and he did it well. I was really nervous and panic. Because there were teachers, who listened and gave us points. Therefore, I just speak what I know and try to add my opinions. I think I did not really well, because I felt harden to speak and I could not speak what I want to that made my face looked so serious, haha. Anyway, it was a good practice before going to conference in Malaysia. I am so exciting, it just three days lefts and I have not ready my luggage yet, there will be a lot of stuff.

Today is also my best friend birthday, but so pity that I had an hour free for her and her party birthday will set on the day that I will be in Malaysia T-T. For tomorrow, I have to go to Chulalongkorn University to have a moot court practicing. My senior and I went there many times before to prepare our indictment. I found that it is really hard working. It is my first time and I will try my best. Anyway, thank you for the website of ICC, it help me a lot to find the provisions. After I back from Malaysia I will report you about conference there in the journal.

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