

It was my first time to do my moot court. Before that I really interested in moot court; therefore my senior, Kaew gave me an opportunity to do it. I did it with Tarn [Miss Jittima] the third year student. Not only me but also Tarn, that has never done moot competition. So we had to do a lot of research about the law of war; such as Geneva Convention, ICC Statute, Hague Convention, etc. there were many materials that we used. I really want to thanks everyone who help me, THANK YOU SO MUCH. I realized that it was very hard working and we have to care of every word that we charged them with crime. We have to prepare it carefully. I first I was confuse because I do not know how to do it and felt discouraged. But because of their help (also your help) and suggestions that made us did it. Although we got no prize from this competition and it was not good enough, we did satisfy with it. Because, the most important thing that we received is experience and friendship. I think I can improve myself a lot from doing moot competition.

For the competition, there were primary round and final round. They divided teams into A and B. Thailand is in A side, we had to competed with Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia in the primary round. Assumption mooters as a prosecutor of ICC ,and Chulalongkorn mooters as a defendant. For us, we took two rounds with Indonesia and Japan as a prosecutor. In the first round that we competed with Indonesia, we defeated. Because I think our reasons is not strong enough and I was really exciting and nervous because I was afraid if the judge would asked me questions and he did! But lucky that the question was the question that we prepared in the night before competition, we forced delegates from Assumption to see our practicing and let them asked questions, it help a lot. For the second time, we won Japan! Because in the time for defense, they did not defense us for the charges that we charged them but they defense us at a rebuttal time. They made a mistake, so we win. For the round that Chula mooters competed with Singapore, I had no chance to look this round but I heard that they did well but Singapore is better, so we lost this round too. Therefore the result from three rounds of primary round is 1 point from three, could not pass to the final round, but it was better than no point. Therefore, we satisfied with it but we have to improve a lot if there is another chance for moot court.


phanphatchara said...

you looks slim in the black suit na.
or the photos were expanded wa 55

Dollaporn881 said...

Yes, I think like Papang that when you wore the black suit, you looked slim NA. So, I hope, when you wear any cloths, you will look slim, too.