

In facts, there’re still many things about ALSIC that I would like to tell you, it was my memorable moments but now I would like to write something up to date!! However it is still about ALSA. I hope that it is not bored you… ^-^, now let’s see some pictures from my “memorable moments” instead reading, because one picture can explain millions words, hahaha!!!

Malaysian highest court, commision of wildlife trafficking, cultural night with Korean delegates

Thai girls in Hunbok
Korean girl in Thai costume, Melaka trip, Petronas, at the parliament

AU delegates- cultural night, dinner with bar council, farewel party at Genting

These are some of pictues that we took, there are more than thousands pictures!!!


Chompoonut881 said...

I want to wear a Korean costume!

I can see that you have got many experiences from going there.

Nice pictures~


phanphatchara said...

me too!
i wanna try once with the Korean costume na
Tradition one!

Dollaporn881 said...

You are so louky that you were selected to go conference ate Maleysia. I think; you would get many experience from there. NAJA.