

From the ALSA conference, I received lot of knowledge from activities that we did there. Moreover, it made me had an opportunity to practice myself with many skills. Now I know how to work in team, how to do research, I have improved my English skill, especially to improve myself. However, the most important thing that I found is “friendship” that it was a great chance to know people from other countries and become friends and we still keep in touch. For the things that I have to improve are my English skill, knowledge that I should know a lot more, it was the time for the real practicing and I realize that my English and other skill are not good enough to use for the real situation. Sometime I could not express what I would like to say or I had no idea what I was listening, because I have no knowledge about it before that made me could not gain all good knowledge.
I think, in our faculty should have more academic activities to practice students to do research, to let them have a chance to give opinions, to know what is a table discussion, practicing moot court or arrange it into competition in order to let them to be more efficient law student.


Chompoonut881 said...

You always work hard, Joy, and you know that.

I understand the feeling that sometime we cannot say something in English we want to say. It also happens to me sometime.

Dollaporn881 said...

I'm very jealous you that you went to Malaysia but when you stay at home, you will not keep many works to stay only you. I miss you NA.