
Legal Sharing Seminar on Loykratong day

Yesterday, I participated in the legal sharing seminar at Chulalongkorn University. The seminar began at 8am and finished at 4pm and I had to wear suit that made me look like a lawyer. This seminar was an activity of Asian Law students Association of Thailand (ALSA Thailand). The topic for the seminar is “Copyright”. In the morning section, there was a symposium in Thai; the topic is “The Intellectual property law in Thailand” They talked about general view of Thailand’s intellectual property law, which I had read a bit before. After that, we had a table discussion that we had to separate into four groups and discussed about the problem of copyright that they gave us and presented it. I like this kind of seminar that let the participator to be a part of it, but it was my first time to have a group discussion in a topic that I have such a little bit knowledge, so it make me like a fool that couldn’t express my opinion or just a rubbish, I have to work hard now!

After lunchtime, there were another symposium and moot court show from the students of Chulalongkorn University. Another symposium, they talked in English and the topic is “Copyright Infringement and Copyright Protection in Thailand and the International Cooperation”. This topic let me know a lot more about copyright infringement in Thailand. I think it is funny that, in Thailand, there is an act to prevent and punish the infringer, but it is still the big problem for Thailand. We can see many illicit CDs or DVDs along the street; such as on Silom road. There is law but they do not afraid of it. It is a crime of stealing but they still sold them. In fact, the customer is also an important part in this problem, because we still buy them too, they are cheaper! So why do we have to buy an expensive one, right? I think law is only a little part to solve this problem. It is also a problem of economic. We can say that it related with a reason of demand and supply, between price and ability to pay for goods. I think the companies do take advantage of their customer; they are greedy. Therefore, we have to find other ways to solve this problem; sometime law cannot help! We have to solve the problem from the source not a tail.
Another activity was a moot court show. It was great, they did excellent and it was so interesting. Their English skills were excellent too. The topic is still about copyright. They made me really impress of it.

So yesterday made me know that, I have to improve myself a lot! As a delegate from ALSA Thailand in ALSA conference in Malaysia, I have to be a diligence and smart woman, so I have to work hard and have a good preparation, in order to make a good reputation for my country and my university. I will try my best!



ALSA or Asian Law Students Association is a non-governmental, non-political, and non-profit organization that has the objective to understand the ideals of law through exchange and communication among Asian law students, which consisting of 9 countries and special administrative region which are Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Japan, China, Taiwan, Indonesia, Korea and Hong Kong. Since its establishment, the association has been organizing various legal forums and conferences annually, which have been held in different participating Asian country from year to year.

All above is just information about Asian Law Students Association or ALSA. However, what I want to tell you is not this information, but I want to tell you about the conference, which National University of Malaysia is being the representatives from Malaysia of this association who had taken the initiative to lobby for the hosting of the annual Asian Law Students International Conference in January 2008. There are 200 delegates 48 universities 11 nations 1 event. ABAC school of Law is the one of the member of ALSA, so we have to send the representatives to join this event. In the conference there are many activities, include of table discussion, the ALSA Symposium, the ALSA moot court competition, academic visit, cultural night, and Kuala Lumpur City tour.

The interview for this conference was held on 14th November, and I am the one of many persons who want to get such a great chance to go there, so I decided to sign the application form and went to interview. I knew that they wanted only three persons to go with six others staff, so it was quite difficult to be selected as a representative to join this event. There are three rounds of interview….

Round 1!
At the first round, I was interviewed in English and I was really shaking and exiting. The four interviewers are my seniors, they asked me about Thailand’s constitution 2007, which is the new one. The question is “Do the judiciary has more power than the past and how do you think about this?”, luckily that you gave me the news about it in the second English II class, so I could answer this question (thank you so much). The question for this round is general questions to test about my English skill, performance, self-confidence and legal knowledge.

Result: PASSED!!! (There are five persons passed)

Round 2! This time I had to interview with my two teachers. I was so exiting that made me forgot everything! Questions are really difficult. I was asked about the politic, law and the constitution again, but this time I was asked to do some homework and sent it to them in the following day. Moreover, I was asked about the Thai culture that which culture I would like to present to the foreigner, I chose Thai dancing that made me had to show them how to dance! (For many times, because there are new interviewer came and wanted to see!) Oh! My homework is to find out what are the mechanics that used in the new constitution to prevent corruption. (Quite difficult, doesn’t it?)

Result: … assigned some homework that made me did not sleep
and made me feel so stress.

Round 3!
In fact, there’re only two round but because of the assignment that made me to be interviewed again with another new interviewer and the another who assigned a homework!
After I presented my homework, I was asked for many difficult questions that test my thinking, sagacity, responsibility etc.
I think I did it quite good, so I satisfied with it, although I was selected or not, but…

Result: I DID IT!!! I was selected to be a representative to participate in Asian Law Students International Conference in January 2008. I’m so happy and proud of myself that I can did it too.


Laughing with tears [Pornrutai’s version]

PS. Please read Ms.Dollaporn’s journal before mine or read them alternately!

7th November is my birthday. This year was so special that made me so happy. I will tell you about my birthday in a dairy form of 6 days before my birthday!

1st, November 2007
At noon, I went to “The Mall” department store with Phanpathchara and I came back late for criminal law class. Therefore, I asked Dollaporn if I could borrow her lecture and she gave me. I was sure that I kept it in my folder but when I backed home, I could not find it. Then I told Dollaporn that I lost her book, but I said I will find it or copy the new one for her if I really can not find it. I knew that she was angry but I felt false, and I found that not only her book that was lost but also another lectured book of mine too, so bad!

2nd, November 2007
On Friday, I have a psychology class at 12.30 but I went to ABAC at 8 o’clock in order to find Dollaporn’s notebook. I did look for it everywhere but I could not find it that made me came late in psychology class but I did not told her that I did look for it, so she thought that I cared nothing about her note book, so she really angry at me. I think I did say sorry to her, but it seemed she would not forgive me. I had no idea what to say ,so it was better to say nothing and it went worse. I felt really really bad.

3rd, November 2007
On Saturday, I have a German class at 8.30-12.30, then I had an appointment with Phanpathchara to find the beverage shop for Loykratong day on 23rd November at ABAC and then we went to Siamsquare. I met my friends; Beau and Ohm, They told me that Dollaporn would come too then Beau called her if she wanted to join us but she said that she would not come because I was there. She made me felt troubled again. I did not think that she did not angry me so much because it was one page in that notebook! Why she had to angry me like that, so I told them to leave and backed home.

4th, November 2007
I stayed at home all day and contacted with no one.

5th, November 2007
It was Monday, the first class is your class. You might notice that why I did not sit next to her as usual, but I moved to sat with Chingtong. After class, it is a long free time that I always with Chompoonut, Ms.Leelawat, Phanpathchara, Tinnapat, and actually, Dollaporn. We always together but not this day. I separated from them and spent time reading law books in the library alone. Moreover, my grade was released on this day that made me felt worse, because I got c+ for “Introduction to legal principal”, it was not too bad but I did felt unsatisfied with it. Therefore, it made me so headache and had a lot of stress that could my other friends noticed and asked me, but I said I was ok.

6th, November 2007
Today, I stayed in the library all the free time, because I would not like to meet them. In the classes, I studied quietly and did not talk to any one. I began to felt lonely and a bit sad. I did worry about my friend than my grade!
In the evening, after class, I went to watch a football match between faculty of Law and Engineering to relax but it seemed the week of bad luck. When I was inattentive to the match the ball crash my head heavily that made me got more headache! I hope that the following day would be a good day because it is my birthday. One of my friends wished me to have a good day because he knew that it was my bad time, and I hope so.

7th, November 2007
Today is my birthday, In the morning I received many messages from my friends which they sent to wish me. It seemed that their wishes came true. In the morning, I found a cute guy who I like and he also said happy birthday to me that made me really happy. But after the first class, Leelawat told me about Dollaporn seriously that made me felt bad and my feeling nearly to explode, but fortunately that I could controlled myself, if not she would find that I will become a devil [like my friends said when I angry somebody]. In the afternoon, one of my old friends called me to say happy birthday and then I did express all of my feeling at that time that made her shocked that I cried on my birthday. Then I have a cheering rehearsal for AU Games, I did not know what will happen. Then my seniors asked me that why I didn’t sit with Dollaporn as usual, then Dollaporn told them about the reason and I did reply back that why and I began weeping. Because at that time, it was full of stress than I can kept inside, then the birthday song was sung that made me so surprised and felt really angry at the same time and can not say any word. Suddenly my senior slapped a cake on my face! And in the last they told me all the truth that everyone knew about the plan except me! How fool I am!

The truth
-Phanpathchara who always talked and always with me was a master of this plan! Friend in need is a friend indeed, but sometime I cannot rely on them!
-Everyone knew about it.

Want to say
- I did angry about their plan. They did too much and cared nothing about my feeling, so wicked, almost week that made me had a bad feeling. Don’t do it again! it is not funny.
- Thank you all of my friends and seniors that made me have such a special birthday.
- Be careful, now it is my turn!



Last month, somebody gave me a free movie ticket of EGV. Today I had a free time, so it was time to use it, but only me that had a free time…, then I decided to watch a movie alone, so lonely. There are many interesting movies; such as “Surf up”, “The Kingdom”, “Stardust”, “Draymen the movie”, finally I chose to watch “Stardust” and bought a bucket of popcorn and cola in a penguin mug, which can make me gain weights -*-. This movie is a romantic-fantasy movie, about a young man named Tristan who wanted to win the heart of one woman; Victoria that cared nothing about him. Therefore, he said that he would bring her a fallen star, which fell in the magic land over the wall of his village. But the thing the he found was not a star but a beautiful woman named Yvaine, she is the star that fell because of the ruby that the king of the magic land used for choosing the new king crush her (the story is a bit busy). Therefore, they had adventure together; to escape from the witches, who wanted star’s heart to make them young again, met the pirates etc. and finally Tristan find that Victoria was not his true love, his true love is…the star! Then the movie ended with happiness like a fairy tale. Although it is quite fancy but it was fun and can make me happy with the story.


This week is the first week of the semester 2 of the year of my freshman in ABAC School of Law. It is a busy week. In this semester I have to study for 6 subjects; English for law student II, philosophy of law, general psychology, criminal law I, legal acts and contracts, and property and land law. They are so difficult and so important, because they used as the basic of law that I have to understand all of them and I have to use it for other subject that I have to study in other 3 years.
I told you that, it is a busy week, because I have to adapt myself with the new schedule that quite strange. On Monday, I have an English class on 9.30-11.00 and I have another class at 5 pm-7 pm, there is a long free time that I do not know what to do on this free time (maybe I will spend for read law books). Moreover, the class in the evening finishes so late that make me back home late most everyday. I think I have to work and try harder to pass this semester with the good GPA!
Not only my schedule that make me busy, but also books that I have to find and buy them, they are so expensive!!!, now I spent about one thousand for them, but there are still many that I have to buy (goodbye my money!). They are expensive and very thick * o *, I can use them as a pillow and let the knowledge inside absorbs to my head! -_- .
Oh! There is Ms.Leelawat and Ms.Chompoonut’s birthday in this week too! Their birthday is on the first and the third of November and my birthday is on 7 November! November is the month of pretty girls ^-^ (ha-ha…)
I think, there is nothing to tell you anymore about my busy week. I hope that next week will be better...or not. Because my grade of all the first semester subjects will be released!!! .... I think I got sick -*-



First, I would like to introduce myself before I begin my first journal!
My name is Pornrutai Chotvijit, you can call me “Joy”. I am 18 years old. I was born on 7 November 1988 in Chinese family and I am a Wednesday child. I have one sister who is older than me for two years, she studies in ABAC too, but she studies in the faculty of Art-French, and another is my brother who is younger than me for three years, he studies at Bangkok Christian College. I finished high school from St.Joseph Convent school where I studied there for twelve years since I was 7 years old, you maybe know my school from the news that there’s a mad woman stabbed four students in the school two years ago, it was a really big news but luckily that no one die!
After I finished high school, I choose to study in ABAC School of Law. Because I like it and I think, law is so important for the society and who got knowledge of law is advantageous, and I would like to be the one part that can help the people who taken advantage and has no money to hire a lawyer. It would be great if I can help others!