
Laughing with tears [Pornrutai’s version]

PS. Please read Ms.Dollaporn’s journal before mine or read them alternately!

7th November is my birthday. This year was so special that made me so happy. I will tell you about my birthday in a dairy form of 6 days before my birthday!

1st, November 2007
At noon, I went to “The Mall” department store with Phanpathchara and I came back late for criminal law class. Therefore, I asked Dollaporn if I could borrow her lecture and she gave me. I was sure that I kept it in my folder but when I backed home, I could not find it. Then I told Dollaporn that I lost her book, but I said I will find it or copy the new one for her if I really can not find it. I knew that she was angry but I felt false, and I found that not only her book that was lost but also another lectured book of mine too, so bad!

2nd, November 2007
On Friday, I have a psychology class at 12.30 but I went to ABAC at 8 o’clock in order to find Dollaporn’s notebook. I did look for it everywhere but I could not find it that made me came late in psychology class but I did not told her that I did look for it, so she thought that I cared nothing about her note book, so she really angry at me. I think I did say sorry to her, but it seemed she would not forgive me. I had no idea what to say ,so it was better to say nothing and it went worse. I felt really really bad.

3rd, November 2007
On Saturday, I have a German class at 8.30-12.30, then I had an appointment with Phanpathchara to find the beverage shop for Loykratong day on 23rd November at ABAC and then we went to Siamsquare. I met my friends; Beau and Ohm, They told me that Dollaporn would come too then Beau called her if she wanted to join us but she said that she would not come because I was there. She made me felt troubled again. I did not think that she did not angry me so much because it was one page in that notebook! Why she had to angry me like that, so I told them to leave and backed home.

4th, November 2007
I stayed at home all day and contacted with no one.

5th, November 2007
It was Monday, the first class is your class. You might notice that why I did not sit next to her as usual, but I moved to sat with Chingtong. After class, it is a long free time that I always with Chompoonut, Ms.Leelawat, Phanpathchara, Tinnapat, and actually, Dollaporn. We always together but not this day. I separated from them and spent time reading law books in the library alone. Moreover, my grade was released on this day that made me felt worse, because I got c+ for “Introduction to legal principal”, it was not too bad but I did felt unsatisfied with it. Therefore, it made me so headache and had a lot of stress that could my other friends noticed and asked me, but I said I was ok.

6th, November 2007
Today, I stayed in the library all the free time, because I would not like to meet them. In the classes, I studied quietly and did not talk to any one. I began to felt lonely and a bit sad. I did worry about my friend than my grade!
In the evening, after class, I went to watch a football match between faculty of Law and Engineering to relax but it seemed the week of bad luck. When I was inattentive to the match the ball crash my head heavily that made me got more headache! I hope that the following day would be a good day because it is my birthday. One of my friends wished me to have a good day because he knew that it was my bad time, and I hope so.

7th, November 2007
Today is my birthday, In the morning I received many messages from my friends which they sent to wish me. It seemed that their wishes came true. In the morning, I found a cute guy who I like and he also said happy birthday to me that made me really happy. But after the first class, Leelawat told me about Dollaporn seriously that made me felt bad and my feeling nearly to explode, but fortunately that I could controlled myself, if not she would find that I will become a devil [like my friends said when I angry somebody]. In the afternoon, one of my old friends called me to say happy birthday and then I did express all of my feeling at that time that made her shocked that I cried on my birthday. Then I have a cheering rehearsal for AU Games, I did not know what will happen. Then my seniors asked me that why I didn’t sit with Dollaporn as usual, then Dollaporn told them about the reason and I did reply back that why and I began weeping. Because at that time, it was full of stress than I can kept inside, then the birthday song was sung that made me so surprised and felt really angry at the same time and can not say any word. Suddenly my senior slapped a cake on my face! And in the last they told me all the truth that everyone knew about the plan except me! How fool I am!

The truth
-Phanpathchara who always talked and always with me was a master of this plan! Friend in need is a friend indeed, but sometime I cannot rely on them!
-Everyone knew about it.

Want to say
- I did angry about their plan. They did too much and cared nothing about my feeling, so wicked, almost week that made me had a bad feeling. Don’t do it again! it is not funny.
- Thank you all of my friends and seniors that made me have such a special birthday.
- Be careful, now it is my turn!

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