

ALSA or Asian Law Students Association is a non-governmental, non-political, and non-profit organization that has the objective to understand the ideals of law through exchange and communication among Asian law students, which consisting of 9 countries and special administrative region which are Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Japan, China, Taiwan, Indonesia, Korea and Hong Kong. Since its establishment, the association has been organizing various legal forums and conferences annually, which have been held in different participating Asian country from year to year.

All above is just information about Asian Law Students Association or ALSA. However, what I want to tell you is not this information, but I want to tell you about the conference, which National University of Malaysia is being the representatives from Malaysia of this association who had taken the initiative to lobby for the hosting of the annual Asian Law Students International Conference in January 2008. There are 200 delegates 48 universities 11 nations 1 event. ABAC school of Law is the one of the member of ALSA, so we have to send the representatives to join this event. In the conference there are many activities, include of table discussion, the ALSA Symposium, the ALSA moot court competition, academic visit, cultural night, and Kuala Lumpur City tour.

The interview for this conference was held on 14th November, and I am the one of many persons who want to get such a great chance to go there, so I decided to sign the application form and went to interview. I knew that they wanted only three persons to go with six others staff, so it was quite difficult to be selected as a representative to join this event. There are three rounds of interview….

Round 1!
At the first round, I was interviewed in English and I was really shaking and exiting. The four interviewers are my seniors, they asked me about Thailand’s constitution 2007, which is the new one. The question is “Do the judiciary has more power than the past and how do you think about this?”, luckily that you gave me the news about it in the second English II class, so I could answer this question (thank you so much). The question for this round is general questions to test about my English skill, performance, self-confidence and legal knowledge.

Result: PASSED!!! (There are five persons passed)

Round 2! This time I had to interview with my two teachers. I was so exiting that made me forgot everything! Questions are really difficult. I was asked about the politic, law and the constitution again, but this time I was asked to do some homework and sent it to them in the following day. Moreover, I was asked about the Thai culture that which culture I would like to present to the foreigner, I chose Thai dancing that made me had to show them how to dance! (For many times, because there are new interviewer came and wanted to see!) Oh! My homework is to find out what are the mechanics that used in the new constitution to prevent corruption. (Quite difficult, doesn’t it?)

Result: … assigned some homework that made me did not sleep
and made me feel so stress.

Round 3!
In fact, there’re only two round but because of the assignment that made me to be interviewed again with another new interviewer and the another who assigned a homework!
After I presented my homework, I was asked for many difficult questions that test my thinking, sagacity, responsibility etc.
I think I did it quite good, so I satisfied with it, although I was selected or not, but…

Result: I DID IT!!! I was selected to be a representative to participate in Asian Law Students International Conference in January 2008. I’m so happy and proud of myself that I can did it too.

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